
Published on:

22nd Apr 2022

Bitesize - Embryo Grading at CRGH

Welcome to another episode of The Fertility Podcast bitesize, with The Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health (CRGH) in this snippet, we’re going to be hearing from Xavier Brunetti, Deputy Head of Embryology to explain more about how embryos are graded. All too often there are conversations online within Facebook groups or forums about what the different gradings mean and it can cause all sorts of stress and unease for patients. We are all so different and every clinic is different, so Dr. Google is not your friend when you are at this stage of your fertility treatment. So have a listen to Xavi explain more about what the embryologist is looking for and what happens in the lab. 

We discuss: 

  • Day 1 - Day 3 and then Day 4 to Day 5 or 6
  • Symmetry, fragmentation, can they see the nuclei
  • How synchronized cell divisions are 
  • How Blastocysts grow 
  • What that means for the grading
  • How the lab keeps in touch with you - the patient 
  • How to manage patients' expectations of egg collection 

Find out more about CRGH here

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About the Podcast

The Fertility Podcast
The Fertility Podcast|Expert interviews|Women and Men sharing #TTC stories|Wellbeing support
If you’ve found your route to parenthood hasn’t been straightforward, The Fertility Podcast is for you. From how to optimise your fertility to getting pregnant naturally, navigating IVF, understanding donor conception or surrogacy to how to prepare for a life without children. Whatever your situation, you are not alone. Created by Natalie Silverman, a former fertility patient in 2014, I then joined forces with Kate Davies, an independent fertility nurse consultant as we spoke to a range of experts and people just like you. Today in 2023, Kate is now hosting the podcast without Natalie ( who you can find hosting The F Word at Work ) here the podcast is going back to its routes to share more patient stories as we’re here to hold your hand, on your route to parenthood including how it impacts you at work.

PLEASE NOTE: The Fertility Podcast has an archive of its 300 episodes on new podcast feeds called: Getting Pregnancy Ready, Infertility Support, Male Fertility, Alternative Routes to Parenthood, and Pregnancy Loss.
Just have a look in your podcast search and be sure to subscribe.

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Natalie Silverman