
Published on:

11th Sep 2023

Kate Pleace & World Childless Week

Joining us this week, on what is World Childless Week, is a familiar face. As some of you will know, Kate Pleace is one half of the ‘Kate’ double act, as she works with me in my practice seeing many of our fertility and menopause patients. However, Kate is more than just that - she’s also my beautiful friend.

Kate and I first met here on The Fertility Podcast, many moon's ago, when Nat and I interviewed her to find out more about her experiences of a rare condition called progesterone sensitivity, which sadly ended her fertility journey. Kate is living a life without children but that hasn't held her back from living her life to the full.

What we discussed:

  • Kate tells us about her fertility journey that started back in 2012, like the majority of her patients, she had some time trying to conceive.
  • Kate then moved onto IVF treatment using her own eggs which then lead to one unsuccessful cycle and one cycle that was cancelled.
  • Kate talks about how she discovered that she had Premature Ovarian Insuffiency (POI) 
  • Her husband and Kate looked at using egg donation. This was Kate’s last cycle of treatment, and she became pregnant for the first time.
  • Unfortunately, Kate develped a condition called progesterone hypersensitivity which made her very ill and resulted in a miscarriage.
  • After Kate started to feel better, her and her husband made the decision to end their fertility journey. 
  • Kate talked about she felt she was childless but not by choice and how the decision was made for her.
  • Kate and I talked about World Childless Week and what the campaign is doing during the week. 
  • We talked about how employee’s who are childless feel underrepresented within the workplace, and how companies should start to include them in the fertility programmes that are in place. 
  • How those who are single, childless or alone should receive something as well so that they feel like they are seen too. 
  • Kate and I discussed how the language we use when talking about trying to conceive is important, and even if it was not meant to upset the other person, it is still hurtful. 
  • Kate talks about her experience with comments and the language used when she was going through her fertility journey. 
  • We also talked about moving forward, and not moving on. Understanding that there is an after.
  • Kate mentions legacy and how she felt like legacy was meant for someone else, that she was supposed to leave a legacy behind when in actual fact it is your legacy. Do it for yourself. 
  • Kate’s advice to you is: take the time to just be and to reflect with your partner and don’t try to force yourself to go to those baby showers or events like it. Be brave enough to say that you aren’t feeling up to it. Remember that you need to support yourself as well as others. 

If you would like to listen to more episodes on The Fertility Podcast that cover childlessness take a look at these:





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World Childless Week

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About the Podcast

The Fertility Podcast
The Fertility Podcast|Expert interviews|Women and Men sharing #TTC stories|Wellbeing support
If you’ve found your route to parenthood hasn’t been straightforward, The Fertility Podcast is for you. From how to optimise your fertility to getting pregnant naturally, navigating IVF, understanding donor conception or surrogacy to how to prepare for a life without children. Whatever your situation, you are not alone. Created by Natalie Silverman, a former fertility patient in 2014, I then joined forces with Kate Davies, an independent fertility nurse consultant as we spoke to a range of experts and people just like you. Today in 2023, Kate is now hosting the podcast without Natalie ( who you can find hosting The F Word at Work ) here the podcast is going back to its routes to share more patient stories as we’re here to hold your hand, on your route to parenthood including how it impacts you at work.

PLEASE NOTE: The Fertility Podcast has an archive of its 300 episodes on new podcast feeds called: Getting Pregnancy Ready, Infertility Support, Male Fertility, Alternative Routes to Parenthood, and Pregnancy Loss.
Just have a look in your podcast search and be sure to subscribe.

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Natalie Silverman